5 Powerful Facebook Ad Tips

Here are a few ways to improve your Facebook Ads so you can get more results and save yourself time in the future...

Facebook continues to adjust the algorithm to increase the number of variables that affect the success of your ad, making everyone's dollar not go the same distance.

Meaning your competitor could spend $10 on Facebook and reach 1,000 people and you could spend $10 on Facebook and only reach 250 people.

The last thing you want is to reach 1/4th the people and pay 4x the amount to just get similar results to your competitors...

So in order to stay competitive and win more bids...

1. Leverage auto-advanced profile matching

Once you set-up auto-advanced profile matching...

Every person who visits your website, Facebook will automatically match them to their Facebook user profile.

This then fires an action to tell your Facebook ad algorithm to show your ad to users who most closely match the people who took a valuable action on site.

If you already have a Facebook Pixel set up on your website then the only thing you need to do is to just activate auto-advanced matching so you can get even higher audience match rates.

Which lead to even more results and won bids.

2. Simplify the ad account structure

By simplifying your ad account structure, you allow Facebook's machine learning to auto-test which creative and ad placements drive the best results so the pixel can optimize it for you in real time...

The easiest way to simplify your ad account structure is to have only one objective per campaign.

Then have all of your interest audiences split by ad sets underneath a campaign that is solely for interest-based targeting.

Then have all of you lookalike audiences split into different ad sets underneath a campaign solely for your lookalike audiences.

This is going to allow the pixel to start comparing apples to apples better and it will get much smarter, faster and accurate because of that.

And it will allocate the budget much more effectively once you...

3. Switch to campaign budget optimization

Campaign budget optimization will help improve ROI by automatically distributing your ad spend to the top performing ad sets in real time.

And if you leverage this with the simplified ad account structure then your going to see even better results...

This will bring huge value because you are not having to manually figure out which ad set is performing best on your own...

4. Switch to automatic placements

This saves both time and ad costs...

As Facebook will work to optimize campaigns to deliver a cheaper cost per result across all placements.

The Facebook ad algorithm has gotten super intelligent.

It will find the best cost per result...but only if you let it.

The days of limiting placements as a strategy are gone...

So if you continue to choose where you want your ads to show because you think you know best...

Then your results are going to tank.

5. Switch to dynamic ads

With dynamic ads, (specifically for eCommerce) it will automatically deliver the right product ad to the right person, based on the interest they’ve expressed from your site, app or elsewhere on the internet.

Dynamic ads automatically pull the creative from your website or app then show the creative that has gets the best results for you.

Now, over the upcoming months, you can assume the Facebook ad algorithm is going change like it always does...

So knowing your data and having data is going to be imperative for success...

And as long as you implement just a few of these tips above, then you’ll be able to maximize your Facebook ad results and ROI even when the algorithm changes in a way that doesn't favor you.

Want to get access to a Facebook advertising system that generates 3-5x ROI every single month?

Get my free proven system here.


Click here to schedule a free 1on1 strategy session to improve your Facebook ad results.

To your success.

- Chase

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