Facebook Ad Audience List Building

Hey everyone, here's how to build a list of qualified buyers with Facebook ads saving you time and money...

If you want to be consistently getting results and turning a profit...

You'll need to be advertising to the right audience.

You want to advertise to the people who are most likely to buy from you.

Because advertising to a higher quality audience usually leads to more sales and profit...

And there is actually a way to build an audience of thousands of buyers for fractions of the cost you would normally pay...

This is called geotargeting...

And it could be one of the most profitable audiences that you create.

You can easily advertise to a list of your competitors' customers and sell them your products and services.

And not only that.

You can build a lookalike audience and sell to them as well.

Here's how this works:

How to build an audience of buyers with geotargeting.

1. You need to find where a lot of your buyers go.

2. You need to target that place with a laser focused radius so you can start uploading them into a custom audience.

3. You will need to retarget them to sell your products and services.

For example, if you have an eCommerce business that sales luxury swimsuits.

You could target the in-store locations of all the luxury swimsuit shops where people are literally buying swimsuits.

And then you would simply retarget those people since we know they are already qualified buyers.

Doing this alone can lead to a much higher ROAS.

Imagine being able to do that for any business in your niche.

Building an audience of everybody qualified buyers and then retargeting these people with ads.

In fact, we've done this with restaurants by targeting other restaurant chains.

So when people enter the competitors location they are added to a list and retargeting with a special offer to get them over to our clients location.

These people already spent money on similar products or services that you might offer which means they're willing to purchase something similar or even switch services if you can make them a better offer...

This does wonders...

You can do this with B2B as well.

How to build a custom audience of people who attended an event.

1. Find the location of an event that would have your audience and I choose it as a location for your ad targeting.

2. Drop the pin on the venue or if it's a race and you have fitness products you could target the areas they will be racing on.

3. Make sure to decrease the radius of the area the people will be in.

4. Add exclusion pins to narrow down the targeting even further...

You want to target only the people that are qualified so using the exclusion pins to narrow down the area, even more, for exact precision.

5. Don't add any other targeting or narrow placements.

The idea is we want to get everyone attending the location or event onto a custom list so we can retarget them later...

It's also not likely they will be engaging on social media during this time.

So that's why this is not the time to sell to them. Just to get them into a custom audience so retargeting can do the work later turning them into customers.

This is one of the most effective ways to get people into custom audience for a really low cost...

No matter if you're a beginner or expert this is a strategy worth testing.

Want to get consistent Facebook Ad Results...

Schedule a 1-on-1 coaching session with Chase here.


Get started with the Facebook Ads Expert Mastery Class.

To your success.

- Chase

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