Facebook Ad eCommerce Tips for Q4

Here are the six Facebook ad ecommerce tips to generate more results with your campaigns and audiences for Q4...

COVID-19 has changed how we live, shop and communicate, leading more people to rely on technology now more than ever.

This is especially true for ecommerce as so many individuals will be shopping solely online.

1.) Reduce Friction Across The Digital Path To Purchase

Friction is any step or delay that might cause shoppers to abandon their journey.

It’s crucial to ensure your mobile experience is easy to navigate.

Otherwise Facebook will lower the number of individuals you'll reach with your ads...

Here are the most common issues that are imperative to fix if you want to improve Facebook ad results...

• Increase font size on your website
• Improve image clearness quality
• Content needs to fit on the screen
• Text boxes need to be easier to type into
• Increase website page speeds
• Make product information more visible

If the website takes to long to load Facebook will limit your reach and if the text box is too hard to type in Facebook will limit your reach.

To improve Facebook ad results follow those 6 recommendations alone and you will see an impact on your purchase conversion rates.

2.) Lay The Foundations For Pixel Tracking

Having Facebook pixel tracking setup correctly is imperative to Facebook ad success.

If the pixel tracking is broken or you have only a few events setup you're automatically putting your ads in a worse position.

The more events you have the more audiences you can potentially create.

The more accurate the tracking the faster the algorithm is going to optimize to generate results.

If you want to increase the volume of purchases, optimize for purchases.

It's important to optimize for the exact conversion event you want because this allows the algorithm to help get more of those events that you've chosen.

This one should be obvious but so many people select link clicks, landing page views and add to carts and they never get as many leads or purchases as they want.

3.) Account Simplification

Simplify ad account structure to increase campaign performance through automation to save more time and generate more results.

Here are a few ways you can simplify your ad account structure the right away:

1. Active campaign budget optimization (CBO)
2. Turn on automatic placements
3. Split your campaigns into 3 buckets (Lookalikes, Interests, Retargeting)
4. Increase audience sizes per ad set to 1+ million

These four things will improve Facebook ad results allowing the algorithm to optimize better and scale up results.

4.) Facebook Ad Value Equation

People care about price points, discounts and deals when shopping but the value equation is changing with consumers even more so now that this pandemic is in full swing.

For example, if you want to win more bids this coming Q4... it's not about offering the best price but telling the most authentic story.

People care now more than ever about the businesses they are buying from and they want to know the social responsibility and efforts the brand is taking to provide quality products to them.

In fact, we've found that we generate a higher ROAS for clients with content that focuses on the founding of their company more than the product itself.

Businesses who don't incorporate this into their marketing efforts will likely see a loss of valuable and loyal customers...

So if you want to see a large lift in sales and ROI... let your audience know where your business has come from and the amazing story behind it.

5.) Increase Ad Creative Branding Efforts

Improving Facebook ad creatives with brand cohesiveness is imperative to success for this Q4.

In fact, it's so important that Facebook released a Q4 document saying that the #1 focus for Q4 should be building your brand and showcasing your brand in creatives in order to have the best competitive edge.

A strong brand can aid in everything from increasing the likelihood of an initial purchase to encouraging repeat sales.

6.) Test More Ad Creatives

Test multiple ad variation ideas.

The more testing the better since you an identify exactly what works best and the top performing creatives you will need to focus on creating based on the data you receive.

As Q4 is coming upon us and you plan your campaigns keep in mind that if you just use a few of these recommendations i'm positive you'll see an improvement in your Facebook ad results.

Want to get consistent Facebook Ad Results?

Schedule a 1-on-1 coaching session with Chase here.


Get started with the Facebook Ads Expert Mastery Class.

To your success.

- Chase

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