Facebook Ads Audience Strategy

Your approach to driving website sales should be guided by how much activity is happening on your website. NOT by implementing the strategy some guru is preaching about online.

For example, check how many pixel events occurred on your website in the last month.

A pixel event occurs when someone takes an action on your website (ex: viewing a page, watching a video, adding an item to their cart, completing a purchase).

Less than 500 pixel events on your website in the last month?

You should build up data and use the conversions campaign objective:

1. Switch to campaign budget optimization (CBO).

2. Create data file custom audiences. (email lists, customers, or any data you can to create a custom audience off of.)

3. Create a lookalikes from the custom audiences.

4. Leave targeting wide 'open'.

Since you have very little data to begin with the best approach is to not restrict targeting at all... This is very beneficial because you can build up data and let the Facebook algorithm do all the work for you in finding out who your customer is.

More than 500 - but less than 10,000 - pixel events on your website in the last month?

1. Create lookalikes based on the conversion events on your website.
(Test 30, 60, 90, 180 day timespans, page frequency set at 2 and 3 and create lookalikes based on specific URLs.)

2. Increase spend on campaigns where you can get 50 conversions in a 7-day window. (This adds consistency.)

3. Implement UTM/URL parameters so you can retrieve this data and create custom audiences based on further segments of quality leads and customers.

You can probably tell by now it's more about using your own collected data than using a guessing tool such as "Facebook Insights" which is no where near as accurate as those audiences mentioned above.

More than 10,000 pixel events on your website in the last month?

If you running Facebook ads and have more than 10,000 pixel events in the last month on your site then there should be no reason for why you can't get an ROI on your ads today.

With 10,000+ pixel events... The sky is the limit in terms of opportunities and scalability you can achieve.

1. Break lookalikes into 1-2%, 2-3%, 3-4%.

2. Move all of your best lookalikes into a CBO and set the daily budget high enough to get 50 conversions per ad set.

3. Start testing target cost bid strategies.

4. Upload custom audiences segmented by your best and worst customers, highest quality and lowest quality, fastest converters and slowest converters.

5. Create audiences based on behavior flows in your funnel.

6. Start narrowing targeting. Look at your data... If nobody over the age of 65 has ever converted at this point then start excluding that age range in your targeting.

Since you have enough data to optimize and make accurate decisions.

You should constantly look at your data if you find a group of people who don't ever convert then start narrowing the targeting so you don't reach people similar to them in the future.

In order to improve and maintain your results, you need to make sure you're analyzing them correctly.

Want to get consistent Facebook Ad Results...

Schedule a 1-on-1 coaching session with Chase here.


Get started with the Facebook Ads Expert Mastery Class.

To your success.

- Chase

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