Increase Facebook Ad Results

Hey everyone, here are some quick ways to drum up clients organically so you can start creating a bigger marketing budget to use towards getting more clients via Facebook Ads...

1. Create one organic post per day.

By giving value revolved around the service you offer and distributing it in 3 different ways on Facebook.

I guarantee people will reach out to you if you do this...

Post it on your personal profile, post it on your business profile, and then post in one highly relevant group.

2. Add new friends on Facebook.

Add people who potentially could be clients. I recommend adding 50 new people daily to your first list.

This also is beneficial because the moment you hit 5,000 friends you can transfer them over to a Facebook page and then you will have 5,000 likes on your Facebook page which helps with having credibility when you start running your Facebook ads.

Once you add people as friends direct message them saying

"If you ever need any help with ________ I would be happy to see what I can do!"

And 9 out of 10 times they will respond. Make sure to fill in the blank with the service, product or expertise you have.

Then the moment you get some clients from organic and make some money.

Instantly set the money aside and use it for Facebook ads...

You can then create a self full-filling client attraction machine.

Using organic efforts to jumpstart your Facebook ad efforts.

If you do these things daily I guarantee within one week you will have a pretty large pipeline of hungry customers, a bunch of new clients and a small marketing budget ready for send off to go make you some more money.

Now, here are some simple but effective measures to follow when you want to get consistent results with your Facebook ads...

3. Complete the learning phase.

This seems simple but so many people mess that part up...

Don't make any edits during the learning phase...

If you want to change something duplicate it. Then make the change.

This is going to prevent you from resetting the learning phase.

The learning phase is where you are going to see the most volatile results which is normal since it is learning...

Now, you don't want to reset it. Otherwise, if you do you're going to cause yourself to have a longer period of volatile results.

Once the learning phase is completed look at the cost per result, typically your costs will consistently stay around that same number after the learning phase.

But only if you got 50 conversions during the learning phase...

If you do not get 50 conversions during the learning phase and it completes the learning phase process then you will see volatility in your results no matter what moving forward...

This can become an issue later on during scaling...

Now, if you hit the 50 conversions during the learning phase.

Then you need to ask yourself...

Do you like the results and cost per results you're seeing?

If yes, then do you want to get more results for that same cost?

Then in order to maintain those results consistently during scaling you need to scale your budget daily by 10-20%.

You should never scale the budget more than 20% daily as you will reset the learning phase...

So increase spend at or under 20% daily and this will allow you to scale without raising costs.

Which is pretty awesome.

So the main point to remember?

Let the learning phase complete and once you see the results you want. Then scale by 10-20% daily to avoid a learning reset.

This is going to bring you more consistency and even more results just by following these simple but effective measures.

Now what do you do if you don't know how to set-up a self fulfilling client attraction machine?

Well, you could use our proven system to start generating results with Facebook ads...

Click here to get my free proven system.


Click here to find out if you qualify for the Facebook Ads Expert Mastery program and the 4-phase proven system.

To your success.

- Chase

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